Sunday 30 August 2015


New Beatles statues for Liverpool could be installed on city waterfront

It is hoped the new Beatles statues will stand on the Liverpool waterfront
Four new statues of the Beatles are to be erected in Liverpool. The Cavern Club is paying £200,000 for the 8ft tall bronzes of John, Paul, George and Ringo and donating them to the city of their birth.
They hope they will be installed on Liverpool’s iconic waterfront.People will get the first glimpse of the statues, sculpted by Andrew Edwards, on Sunday at the annual International Beatleweek convention at the Adelphi hotel. Two – John and Paul – have already been cast, and the other two are currently modelled in resin and clay.

The Cavern’s Bill Heckle said today: “When we saw them for the first time it was really emotional – I thought I was going to cry.
“We just shook our heads. We knew it would be good, but not as good as that.”
There are nearly 30 Beatles statues and monuments all over the globe, from Spain to Cuba, and Ukraine to Kazakhstan. Houston in Texas has a set which are 36ft tall.
Jon Keats, from the Cavern, added: “We want this to be the ultimate Beatles statue, here in Liverpool.”
Claire McColgan, Liverpool’s head of culture, said: “Hats off to the Cavern. They’ve all worked very hard and are giving back to the city that they love.”

The statues were the brainchild of Chris Butler of Castle Fine Arts foundry, who was inspired by the giant image of the Fab Four on the front of HMV in Liverpool One.
Writing in the Beatleweek festival brochure, he explains: “That was it. The idea. The concept. The narrative.
“A statue that needs no title, no explanation, no instruments, no gimmicks. Simply... a moment that changed the world.

“A monument to a moment, when the world was truly shaken. And it started here in Liverpool.”
The Cavern hopes to have the statues in place before Christmas, to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ final gig in the city, when the band played at the Empire on December 5 1965.

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