
Friday, 14 December 2012


Sylvia was part of that magical mystery tour in 1967... she tells us about it and gives us a preview of what will be his next book about this pleasant and memorable experience in her life...
... The magical mystery tour of  SYLVIA BODHI HILLIER ...

Lovely Rita: Sylvia, when was your first contact with The Beatles, you were a fan of them before "Magical Mystery Tour"?
Sylvia: Yes, I was a fan from the age of 14 when ’Love me Do’ was released  and then when I was 17, I became Area Secretary for the Fan club for West Sussex

LR: How you become part of MMT film?
S: I and three other Area Secretaries were asked to go along on the tour. All of the Area Secretaries in the UK were asked to go, but the first four who rang up, got invited, so it was lucky for me that I rang so quickly….

LR: To which of the four beatles you came to know more?
S: Paul, because he was my favourite….although I like them all!

LR: The review of the film was not very good in 1967. What did you think of the final product?
S: It was different, but very misunderstood and was ahead of it’s time!  In 1967, I was simply proud to be part of it and didn’t care what the reviews were like!!

LR: Remember any anecdote while participating in the filming?
S: Paul was asked by the press, what it was about and he said “ It is a mystery, to me!”

LR: How long were you filming (your character)? and in what city was your involvement?
S: I was simply a member of the coach and the filming was done mainly in Newquay, Cornwall
LR: Did you have contact with any of The Beatles, time after the filming?
S: Yes, at the recording studios in Abbey Road and at the preview of MMT in Dec 1967 and then at the fancy dress party they gave for all the cast and Area Secretaries in London in Dec 1967

LR: Have passed 45 years since you were part of history. you feel to have been part of something so big as to be next to this fabulous group?
S: Yes, it was a wonderful experience and I was very proud to be part of it and share those two weeks with the Fab Four

LR: 1967 was a very important and interesting year for The Beatles. Sylvia Tell me what you remember most about all this great personal experience?
S: I remember how relaxed they made us all feel and how much fun it all was, as each day was something different. The music of 1967, was a different direction for them and was a sign of the times
The MMT gang at the Atlantic Hotel in Newquay. Sylvia left against the wall

LR: Next year will publish a book about this experience in the film, how to be titled? can you give us a preview of this?
S: The book will be called ‘Magical Mystery Tour – My Journey by Sylvia Nightingale………It will span 50 years of my life from when I became a fan at 14, through the MMT experience and then up to 2012, and the release of the re-mastered MMT and my meeting Paul again at the Gala Screening. It will not only be about my experience on MMT it will be about the impact their music had on my life throughout those years.

LR: Thank you Sylvia for share nice moments, something y
ou like to add?
The Beatles to me were four nice lads with a unique musical talent who created a phenomenon that shook the world. They have stood the test of time and still have fans all over the world to this very day, of all ages. I was one of the lucky ones, I got to not only meet them, but share the making of Magical Mystery Tour and I will always treasure that…..
I send greetings to all the readers of the Beatles Magazine and continue to enjoy your Beatles music!!


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