Speaking in a new interview, Julian Lennon said he is often one of the last to hear about any news about The Beatles.
When asked about the recent resurgence of interest in The Beatles following Peter Jackson‘s Get Back and Martin Scorsese‘s Beatles ’64 documentaries, he told The Guardian: “It’s news to me half the time. I’m not part of the inner circle – I never have been. You have to realise that when Dad left, when I was between three and five (it was a bit of a process), it was just mum and me, and we had nothing to do with the Beatles or Dad."
“I visited him on the odd occasion but we were very much on the outside. I’m thankful that Sean [Lennon] and I get on like a house on fire – we’re best buddies and he tells me what he can, but things are pretty secret on the Beatles front.”
“I’d rather be excited and impressed by what they did and continue to do. As a fan, I’m just as curious as anybody else, although I do find myself going, how is it possible that there’s another Beatles film?”
In the past Julian has previously said that that he’s been “driven up the wall” by ‘Hey Jude’.
Paul McCartney wrote the classic 1968 single about John Lennon’s break-up with Julian’s mother, Cynthia.
The couple had separated and John began a relationship with Yoko Ono, whom he married in 1969.
“Paul wrote it to console Mum, and also to console me. It’s a beautiful sentiment, no question about that, and I’m very thankful – but I’ve also been driven up the wall by it,” Julian said.
“I love the fact that he wrote a song about me and for Mum, but depending on what side of the bed one woke up on, and where you’re hearing it, it can be a good or a slightly frustrating thing. But in my heart of hearts, there’s not a bad word I could say about it.”
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