Thursday 8 September 2022














Doctors had placed the queen, who was 96, under medical supervision at Balmoral Castle, her estate in the Scottish Highlands.
Queen Elizabeth II “died peacefully at Balmoral” Buckingham Palace said in a statement.
The death of Queen Elizabeth II, which Buckingham Palace announced today, is a watershed moment for Britain.

It marks both the loss of a revered monarch — the only one most Britons have ever known — and the end of a figure who served as a living link to the glories of World War II Britain, presided over its fitful adjustment to a post-colonial, post-imperial era and saw it through its bitter divorce from the European Union.

The BBC’s usually bright red intro graphic turned black after the death of the queen was announced.
As the queen's death was announced today, two rainbows were visible to crowds gathered near the Queen Victoria Memorial outside of Buckingham Palace.

Here are the five most memorable times Queen Elizabeth II and the members of the Beatles crossed paths:

1. “Just Rattle Your Jewelry”

The Beatles’ first big moment with the Queen came in Nov. 1963 — three months prior to their legendary first trip to New York — when they performed at one of Britain’s most prestigious entertainment events. The quartet was asked to play at the Queen’s Royal Variety Performance, an annual televised charity gala. Early standbys like “From Me To You” and “She Loves You” were warmly received, but the band yearned to test out its irreverent humor on the highbrow crowd. Lennon told the crowd he’d need some audience participation for their last song — “The people in the cheaper seats, clap your hands… And the rest of you, if you’d just rattle your jewelry.”
His humor toed the line, but the joke was taken politely by the royals on hand.

2. The Beatles Get Their MBEs
In 1965, upon request of Prime Minister Harold Wilson, John, Paul, George and Ringo were named Members of the Order of the British Empire. There was some conservative backlash from people like military veterans and civic leaders, since the honor seldom went to entertainers at the time. 

3. John Lennon Returns His MBE
John held onto his award for only four years. In Nov. 1969, he informed the Queen in a brief letter that he was disowning his award over Great Britain’s involvement in the Nigerian Civil War and its support of American forces in Vietnam. He also joked it was due to the Plastic Ono Band’s “Cold Turkey” slipping on the charts.

4. Paul Becomes Sir Paul
A generation after receiving his MBE, McCartney received an even more exclusive honor. In 1997, Macca was knighted by Queen Elizabeth — a further testament to her desire to honor royal-friendly musicians and to Paul’s living legend status. In the years that followed, Elton John, Bono and Mick Jagger.

5. McCartney Closes the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Concert

Over the years, the Beatles have had their snark and differences with the Queen, but currently, relations between the monarch and the surviving members are quite amicable. In June 2012, McCartney performed outside Buckingham Palace, closing out the royal celebration for the 60th year of Elizabeth’s reign.  

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