
Thursday, 17 January 2019


TONY BRAMWELL grew up in Liverpool with Beatles George, Paul, and John. His life became intertwined with The Beatles,first working for Brian Epstein at N.E.M.S and then for The Beatles at Apple, heading Apple Films, then later as the CEO of Apple Records. After the Beatles split, he became the United Kingdom's first independent record promoter,representing artists including Bruce Springsteen and coordinating and promoting music for films including Harry Saltzmann's James Bonds (including Paul McCartney's Live and Let Die) and Chariots of Fire, Dirty Dancing, and Ghost. He released his memoir on the Fab Four called MAGICAL MYSTERY TOURS-MY LIFE WITH THE BEATLES, which has become one of the most popular books amongst all fans and followers. Tony Bramwell is "The Authority" of All things Beatles, and much more. Is a honour talk with Tony ...

BM: Tony what do you most appreciate about your friendship with The Beatles?

TONY BRAMWELL: We were great friends as kids and still maintained over 50 years or more!

BM: What is your opinion about the business management of Brian Epstein?

Tony Bramwell: Without Brian The Beatles would never have carried on to world success.


BM: Tony, at that time when eveyone was saying that Paul was dead, what happened about a phone call to a radio station? you said you were Paul himself... because Paul was definitely alive!... guess that rumor was unbearable....  
Tony Bramwell: I didn't call a radio station they kept calling and stopping any work being done so I pretended to be Paul to get rid of them!

BM: Tony you filmed some clips of the group like "Help", "I feel fine","Ticket to ride", ""Rain","Strawberry Fields Forever", "Revolution", "Hey Jude", and more. What happened with "Lady Maddonna" and "Hey Bulldog"? Apple had the original video of Hey Bulldog, why it was published so late?

Tony Bramwell: I filmed them recording Hey Bulldog to make a film for Lady Madonna edited together and then later it was put together to make a film for Hey Bulldog!

BM: Tony is known that medications or drug were circulating in the Apple building. This influenced a lot in the creation and development of their songs?

Tony Bremwell: Obviously drugs changed the way songs were written.

BM: John quickly fell in love of Yoko Ono, but she was not accepted by the rest of the group, something like that was dominant, intrusive?Do you think if Yoko Ono wasn´t in the rehearsals or recording sessions too much, everything would have been different? maybe the group not separated in that moment?

Tony Bramwell: Nobody took wives/Girlfriends to work with them and suddenly Yoko was in the studio offering advice on songs Clearly interrupting the Beatles at work!!! George could not bear being in the same room as her! 
BM:I want to to thank you for been kind enough to be able to talk about very specific moments in the life of The Beatles, fans need to know the real story, I am honored to share your experience, thank you very much Tony!

Tony Bramwell: I love all ways of keeping the Beatles Story Alive and Beatles Magazine helps towards that!

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