
Saturday, 9 May 2015


1961--The Beatles perform at the Top Ten Club, Reeperbahn, Hamburg, West Germany.
1962--The Beatles perform at the Star-Club, Hamburg, West Germany.

1962--Brian Epstein and George Martin meet for the second time. Martin offers to meet with The Beatles at Abbey Road studios on June 6. Without making a firm commitment, Martin essentially offered The Beatles a recording contract, provisional upon the outcome of their June 6 audition / recording session. Although Martin gave no guarantees, Epstein was confident enough to telegraph The Beatles in Hamburg, "Congratulations boys. EMI request recording session. Please rehearse new material." Epstein then sent a telegram to Mersey Beat editor Bill Harry, saying "Have secured contract for Beatles to recorded [sic] for EMI on Parlaphone [sic] label. First recording date set for June 6."
1964--Louis Armstrong breaks The Beatles' 14-week streak of consecutive #1 hit songs with Hello Dolly, knocking I Want to Hold Your Hand off the top of the American singles chart. But at No. 2 is Do You Want to Know a Secret, and at No. 35 is Thank You Girl.

1965--The Beatles continue filming various location shots for the movie, "Help!"

1965--The Beatles attend a Bob Dylan concert at London's Royal Albert Hall. They spend the evening with Dylan after the show. Dylan's music especially impresses John and George and future Beatles compositions and recordings will bear the mark of Dylan's influence.
1966--The Beatles in the recording studio (Studio Two, EMI Studios, London). Recording For No One. John and George make no contribution to this song. Recording ten takes of piano / drum basic tracks, then Paul overdubs clavichord and Ringo overdubs cymbals and maracas. The remaining overdubs will be made at a later date.

1967--The Beatles in the recording studio (Studio Two, EMI Studios, London). A long session (seven and one-quarter hours) with no real focus.

1968--John, Ringo, Derek Taylor, “Magic” Alex Mardas, and The Beatles’ old school friend, Ivan Vaughan, meet at Apple to plan the founding of an idealistic school for the children of The Beatles and their staff.

1969--The Beatles launch their new Zapple label, reserved for avant-garde and spoken-word recordings. This day marks the UK release of LPs by John and George. The first release on the Zapple label is John Lennon / Yoko Ono’s Unfinished Music No. 2: Life With the Lions. Tracks: Cambridge 1969, No Bed For Beatle John, Baby's Heartbeat, Two Minutes Silence, and Radio Play. The second album released on the Zapple label is George’s Electronic Sound. Tracks: Under the Mersey Wall and No Time or Space. Despite the plans for a series of poetry LPs and similar literary ventures, notably an album of Allen Ginsberg performing the works of William Blake, Zapple never releases another record.

1969--Paul using the pseudonym Paul Ramon, assists Steve Miller in the recording of the song My Dark Hour. Paul plays bass and drums, and sings backing vocals.

It yields only a 16-minute untitled instrumental jam featuring two guitars (one of them vibrato), drums, and harmonium. Mark Lewisohn, perhaps misjudging the creative process, considers this particular session to have been "unproductive" and the recording to have been "out-of-tune."

1970--Fluxfest continues with “Weight and Water by John And Yoko,” which involves flooding the Canal Street exhibition room.

1970--Richard Williams ends his in-depth Melody Maker review of the Let It Be album by writing: “The Beatles are dead...Long live the Beatles.”

1972--The Lennons travel to Washington, D.C. to lobby senators for support in their deportation battle.

1975--As part of a succession of high-profile appearances, John Lennon travels to Philadelphia, where for three days and nights, he helps out with the “WFIL Helping Hand Radio Marathon,” an event to raise money for multiple sclerosis. 

He talks on the phone and even does a short stint reading the weather. He was invited to do the show by DJ Larry Kane, whom John met during The Beatles first visit to the US in February 1964.

1979--There's a Beatles reunion of sorts as Paul, George and Ringo all attend the wedding of Eric Clapton to George's ex-wife, Pattie

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