His murder marked the day on which, for many, the music died. His name, Lennon, has become synonymous with legend.
John Lennon was gunned down in the street 34 years ago this month as he
strolled hand-in-hand with Yoko Ono just yards from their Manhattan
apartment, his murderer Mark Chapman became possibly the world’s most
reviled man.
a puffy-faced, deluded religious fanatic and fantasist who harbored a
seething grudge against the musician for claiming that The Beatles were
‘more popular than Jesus’, he showed no remorse as he fired four bullets
into Lennon’s back at close range, then calmly read a book as the
singer bled to death, cradled by a screaming Ono.
seeming lack of compassion or emotion, however, matter little to one
woman, Gloria Hiroko Chapman, the Japanese wife he married just 18
months before he shot Lennon.
has steadfastly stood by him and remains utterly in her husband’s
thrall, convinced that, in his own way, he is repentant and deserves
Now, in her
first interview, she finally reveals the real reason why her husband
murdered Lennon. And how she makes conjugal visits to her husband at
Wende prison in Alden, New York, where he is serving a life sentence and
has been repeatedly refused parole.
Chapman’s wife tells how:
- She and Chapman spend 44 hours together once a year, holed up in a private caravan in the prison grounds, where the couple spend their time making pizzas, watching Wheel Of Fortune on television and making love.
- She and Chapman have both written to Yoko Ono seeking her forgiveness and believe that Lennon and Chapman will be ‘reunited in Heaven’. She also believes Sir Paul McCartney would ‘get on well’ with Chapman and urges him to visit him in prison.
- She missed the murderous signs when Chapman made repeated visits from their Hawaii home to New York to stalk the Beatle and study his daily movements.
- Her husband fills his days by working at three jobs in the prison, in a bid to keep suicidal thoughts at bay. And despite being denied parole eight times, Chapman still dreams of walking on the beach in Hawaii where he proposed to his wife.
out: Gloria, left, has given her first interview to the Mail On Sunday
and MailOnline after she decided to stand by her husband. Chapman,
pictured right in his police mugshot the day after he shot Lennon dead
Such is
Gloria’s devotion to her killer husband that just six weeks ago, she
posed proudly by his side in prison. Standing in front of an alpine
mural, in the first published informal photograph of Chapman since his
conviction in 1981, the killer’s pasty-faced demeanour and puppy-fat
jowls have long gone.
tanned though gaunt, he gazes confidently into the camera, his arms
curled protectively around his smiling wife. It is clear from his
arrogant stance that his overweening pomposity remains unchanged.
There was,
he frankly admits, no religious or moral motive for the cold-blooded
murder. Instead, chillingly, he confesses that he slaughtered the
world’s most famous pop star simply to cement his own place in history.
He did it, he told his wife: ‘Because the bright light of fame, of infamy, notoriety was there. I couldn’t resist it.’
murder, he admits, was no random, spontaneous moment of madness, but ‘a
serious, well thought out crime. No question about it. I could have
chosen to turn it around and I didn’t choose to do that.’
despite his apparent lack of remorse, loyal wife Gloria still insists
that, deep down, he regrets the shooting. He is, she claims, ‘finally at
Mark could say anything to John and Yoko now, he would say: “I’m sorry I
caused such pain,” she says, clutching a well-thumbed Bible to her
chest. ‘He would say: “I hope you have forgiven me,”’ she insists,
nodding vigorously with the zeal of a religious fundamentalist.
‘John was a nice person but Mark wasn’t thinking about that, that day, and put himself first. That was his mistake.’
now a 63-year-old hospital worker in Hawaii, has always shied away from
speaking about the man of whom she says she is ‘more in love with than
A shy, slight, greying woman who lives a quietly reclusive life, she spends her time reading religious tracts.
She only
agreed to speak for the first time after praying for guidance with
Chapman in a prison phone call. In the end, the decision was his.
conjugal visits, she insists, are the highlight of the year for both
her and Chapman. On those occasions the couple spend their 44 hours
together in a tiny trailer which has a kitchen, bathroom and a bedroom
fitted with a single bed.
first thing I do is kiss Mark. They allow us to do that. We are a
loving couple. On the visits, I bring the food and Mark and I make a
homemade pizza. We lay out all the ingredients – peppers, tomatoes,
onions and cheeses because Mark likes crunchy snacks but he doesn’t eat
unhealthy things. There is a television and we watch lots of episodes of
Wheel Of Fortune.
about their intimate relationship during their conjugal visits, Gloria
smiles coyly and, giggling, she says: ‘Oh... I... well it’s great… of
course, its great.’
goes on: ‘It is very limited what we can do there but at twilight we
like to sit outside and sometimes watch inmates play baseball through a
hole in the fence. We do talk about Lennon at times. There is nothing I
can’t discuss with Mark. We spoke about him during my last visit in
October. And we prayed for Yoko.’
bears a remarkable resemblance to Lennon’s tragic widow, Yoko Ono. ‘I’m
Mark’s wife and I can identify myself with her more than anybody,’ she
feel for her. One thing we prayed for is that she finds Jesus Christ in
her life and to find forgiveness for Mark. I hope some day I could meet
her and express that.
‘Mark and I
both wrote letters to her. He isn’t angry or upset that she has pleaded
with judges not to release him. I think he understands.’
Chapman, she insists, works hard within the prison to stave off suicidal thoughts.
has pretty much three jobs. Twice a week he repairs wheelchairs at the
prison hospital and he also works as a porter and a clerk. He didn’t
want a television but keeps up with world events through the other
loss of weight, she says, is because he no longer eats sugar, blaming
his addiction to sweet confectionary for playing a role in his mental
The couple have also frequently discussed the remaining Beatles, believing they will forgive Chapman.
Sir Paul McCartney recently described Chapman as ‘the jerk of all
jerks’ for whom his song-writing partner Lennon was ‘a random victim’,
Gloria was outraged.
McCartney has a right to say what he wants,’ she says defensively, ‘but
if he was to meet Mark, I think he would like him. Mark is a very
likeable and loving person. He always puts other people’s needs before
his own and would welcome a visit from Mr McCartney.’
doesn’t believe Chapman listens to The Beatles music any longer,
although she reveals that Here, There And Everywhere, from the band’s
1966 Revolver album, was ‘our song together’.
days, Chapman’s favourite pastime is listening to Christian music. ‘But
when I go to stores, I hear The Beatles tunes. I don’t get the chills
when I hear it, but I do feel sad. I was always a Beatles fan.’
spite of his brutal crime, she remains convinced that her husband is a
devoutly religious man who deserves to be forgiven, even speculating
that Lennon could have turned to Jesus in his dying moments.
has gone so I know Mark prays for his wife Yoko and for people in
pain,’ she says. ‘When you leave the Earth, you go to one of two places:
Heaven or Hell. I believe John Lennon read the Gospel when he was young
and in his last breath he could have turned his heart to Jesus. If
someone is dying of a gunshot wound, they still have time to reach out
to Jesus at the very end.’
Bizarrely, she also insists: ‘I hope I can meet John in Heaven.’
Gloria insists she feels no shame or embarrassment for remaining loyal to one of the world’s most infamous murderers.
Shy and
suffering from a limp – the legacy of childhood polio – she sips green
tea in a Chinese restaurant and smiles softly as she talks of her love
for and belief in the convicted killer.
was 26 when she met Chapman in March 1978. She had worked for the then
22-year-old Chapman, organising his travel and married the then night
security man – who had already attempted suicide once – in 1979.
By then, he was already a religious zealot and fundamentalist who, though a former Beatles fan, had turned against Lennon.
At his evangelical group he sang the words: ‘Imagine there’s no John Lennon,’ to the tune of Lennon’s hit song Imagine.
his trial in 1981, Chapman claimed that he told his wife he had a gun
and that he intended to shoot Lennon. He even blamed her for not
stopping him.
‘I laid out the gun and I laid out all five bullets,’ he told the jury. ‘She had never seen a gun before.
then I said this is what I am going to do. My God, I still have a
deep-seated resentment that she didn’t go to somebody, even the police,
and say: “Look, my husband’s bought a gun and says he is going to shoot
John Lennon.”’
Today, Gloria’s memory is of a somewhat different exchange.
When she heard of the murder, she says, she was ‘in total shock’.
she is convinced her husband bitterly regrets the murder. ‘He feels
terribly sorry but is making the most of his notoriety to tell people
about the Lord.
eyes weren’t on Jesus [that day], they were on himself. He wanted to be
somebody but was a nobody. It’s really sad he chose to worship himself.
had been given a plaque with the Ten Commandments on it as a wedding
gift and Mark saw that in our home every day. He saw: “Thou shalt not
kill.” He said that that one commandment kept jumping out at him, but he
chose to disobey.
he takes full responsibility and knows what he did was wrong. He had
mental problems, spiritual battles. But he could have said: “No, I’m not
going to do it.” ’
Chapman told her, in the winter of 1980, that he was making frequent
trips to New York from their Hawaii home because he was working on
writing a children’s book, Gloria insists she believed him.
after the murder, on December 8, 1980 – just hours after Lennon had
happily signed an album cover for Chapman – friends and family urged her
to sever all contact with her husband.
did consider divorcing him. My friends wanted me to. I was in turmoil
because I still loved him. But I know God hates divorce, so that is why I
decided not to. That was my answer and divorce wasn’t an issue.
still loved him even though he would say: “Oh, just divorce me. Forget
about me and get on with your life.” But 35 years later, we love each
other more than ever.
love has grown and grown. He tells me to remember love and intimacy
comes first, though we have disagreements like every regular couple.’
deciding to stand by Chapman, she insists, she has never regretted her
decision. Visibly angered at any suggestions that she should have
shunned the killer, she barks: ‘No. We have ups and downs, but we hang
in there. Mark knows how lucky he is that I’ve stood by him.’
she insists, has not been a hardship for her husband. Though the couple
speak frequently on the phone she lives, she says, for their annual
not a naturally outgoing woman, Gloria admits that many of her friends
have deserted her because of her continued devotion to Chapman.
my close friends don’t come round. They don’t know how to react. Mark,
too, had close friends in high school and it took him a while to forgive
them for not being supportive. I do understand though, that people
didn’t know what to do or say.
‘But my family has always been loving. They kind of just said “too bad”. They are very supportive.’
Both Gloria and Chapman harbour regrets that they have no children.
‘Early on,
we wanted children. But I am 63 now so that would be a kind of a
miracle. I don’t pray for children now, but early on I did. And Mark
loves children. We are both very child-like ourselves.
I last visited, there was a six-week-old baby there and Mark couldn’t
take his eyes off her. If he was on the outside, it would be different,
for sure. We would have a baby, a dog and a cat.’
Though Chapman is unlikely ever to be released, his wife still believes he has been given a second chance in life.
a different way, he has been given a second chance with the Lord, after
turning his back on Jesus. Now that he is close to Jesus again, he has
got his second chance that way.
only hope that the world can open their hearts to Jesus and
forgiveness. It is what keeps Mark positive and happy. He truly has
found peace.’
Gloria says Sir Paul McCartney would ‘get on well’ with Chapman and urges him to visit the prison
talked in meandering mode for the three hours she spent with The Mail
on Sunday and MailOnline. Fussy about her food, she ordered a bowl of
hot and sour soup which she ate slowly, examining its contents.
Every few moments, she would refer to her well-thumbed Bible, occasionally opening it to read a chapter.
eating, she insisted that all those present pray with her as she
thanked God for the food – in spite of what she called the ‘unusual
circumstances’ she found herself in.
shy, she wasn’t afraid to refuse to answer – or ignore – questions she
did not like. She refused to talk of Mark’s obsession with JD Salinger’s
book, The Catcher In The Rye, the book her husband read in the minutes
after he gunned down Lennon and which he continued to read as he calmly
waited to be arrested by police.
repeatedly she refused to explain why someone so seemingly rational, if
a little eccentric, could justify standing by a killer. Instead, she
simply waved her hand and said politely: ‘Thank you.’
all likelihood, she is not financially well-off. She was keen to take
home the remains of the meal for her dinner that evening. And she seemed
to be dreading work later that night, explaining that inspectors were
touring her department. She seemed fearful of losing her job.
Chapman remains one of America’s most hated criminals, she says her
husband has never been attacked while in Wende or at Attica prison in
Texas where he was held initially after his conviction.
hasn’t happened that I am aware of,’ she said warily. ‘But then maybe
Mark is trying to protect me and wouldn’t want to tell me something like
that.’ She insisted he was ‘well liked’ by fellow prisoners, though is
cautious about whom he socialises with.
that the murder had, bizarrely, brought them closer together, she
admitted there had been times when Chapman had refused to see her.
Exclusive: Gloria pictured with reporter James Robertson during her first interview where she made the admissions
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