Anyone who knows anything about the history of The Beatles knows that
their rise to worldwide fame didn’t come overnight. In fact, they had
evolved froma skiffle group called The Quarrymen, formed in Liverpool
during 1956.
There were several permutations of The Quarrymen, the original line-up
featuring John Lennon on guitar. The band also featured John’s school
friend, Rod Davies, on banjo. “It started off with just five guys at
Quarry Bank School,” remembers Rod. “Wewere all inspired by Lonnie
Donegan’s recording of Rock Island Line.
Rod was replaced in The Quarrymen by Paul McCartney following a meeting with John Lennon in Woolton on July 6, 1957.“I don’t even remember Paul on the famous day when John and Paul first
met,” laughs Rod. “People always say, ‘where were you?’ and I always
used to say, ‘I must have gone home formytea’. Later, for a joke, I
started to say ‘I must have gone for a pee’.
There’s this moment in rock ’n’ roll history and I went for a pee!
Nowit’s enshrined in history. This American guy has done this
beautiful oil painting of the moment John met Paul, he said: “Now you
will see all the other guys are in the picture, your banjo’s leaning
against a chair because I hear you say you were in the bathroom at the
Rod last saw John in Liverpool around Easter 1962. “I bumped into him
in the street in Liverpool and we were chatting about what instruments I
was playing,” he remembers. “I said: “Well, I’ve got into folk and
bluegrass music, I’ve played a bit of guitar, decent bit of fiddle and
He said: “It’s a pity you can’t play the drums, you could have come
and played with us in Hamburg.” I was about to go to Cambridge so the
last thingmymother wanted me to do was chuck upmy academic career to go
to Hamburg with John Lennon, from whomshe thought I’d escaped years
While The Beatles scaled the heights of the charts Rod pursued his own
career path, but fans’ interest in The Quarrymen lured him back to the
fold in 1996 and he has continued to play with them regularly since his
Also playing with Rod at Abergavenny this evening will be fellowQuarrymen Len Garry, Colin Hanton and John Duff Lowe.
“Len Garry started a bit after me,” says Rod, “he played the tea chest
bass, Len was fromLiverpool Institute and played with John and Paul.
Our drummer (Colin) started about the same time and played with John,
Paul and George, then in 1958 they made this recording of In Spite Of
All The Danger and That’ll be the Day (featured on The Beatles Anthology
Volume 1) and Paul got this friend of his from Liverpool Institute
called John Duff Lowe to start playing piano for The Quarrymen.”
So what can people expect to hear fromThe Quarrymen? “People have
always asked us to play the stuff we played between 56 and 59, which is
skiffle and rock ’n’ roll, the kind of music that inspired John, Paul,
George and Ringo.Weplay a lot of stuff fromLonnie Donegan’s repertoire
and early rock ’n’ roll, including Elvis stuff.”
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