Monday, 22 August 2011


La Torre de Paz Imagine fue encendida anoche para rendir homenaje a las víctimas de los ataques ocurridos el pasado 22 de julio en Noruega, Oslo y Utøya.

IMAGINE PEACE TOWER 21st August 2011

Yoko Ono envió un comunicado donde decía: "Espero que la Torre de Paz Imagine dé luz a los fuertes deseos de la Paz Mundial desde todos los rincones del planeta y den aliento, inspiración y un sentido de solidaridad en un mundo actual lleno de miedo y confusión. Espero que la gente del mundo se una a nosotros en vivo para ver la iluminación de la Torre de Paz Imagine y enviar sus deseos de paz, especialmente para el pueblo de Noruega, nos reunimos para lograr un mundo pacífico ".
Esta reunión se llevó a cabo anoche (20:30 GMT, 21:30 hora de Londres, 4:30 pm ET, 1:30 pm Hora del Pacífico) y estuvo acompañado por el lcalde de Reikiavik, un representante de la embajada de Noruega en Islandia, los músicos Ellen Kristjansdottir y Gunnarsson Eythor. Los primeros dieron breves discursos y se leyó un mensaje de Yoko Ono. Imagine Peace Tower estará encendida hasta las 6:30 am GMT.

Este es el mensaje expreso por Yoko Ono:



Dear Friends

Trust in the power of wisdom
And believe in the goodness we all have.

Be an oasis for people who are suffering from spiritual thirst.
Have a vision of the society with no social injustices.

When we are given a very challenging situation, it is hard to feel love.
But It’s not any different from other challenges we have had to take care of.
We always did take care of them, and came out trusting in our power of love.

My friends, when things are bad, we know what to do.

Buddha said:
“All that we are is the result of what we thought.”

Martin Luther King said:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”

So let’s start with having good thoughts.
Imagine a world that has no injustices.
Imagine a world of love.

Right after the Norway tragedy, Norwegian politician Helle Gannestad said:
“If one man can cause so much evil, imagine how much love we can create together.”

Reykjavik city councillor, David Stefansson said:
“Let’s use love to steer through this violence.
Those who love will always outnumber and outweigh those who hate.”

These are words we are not used to hearing from politicians.
Not only that, but we are not used to hearing them from anybody, right after such tragedy.

But we are getting wiser by having gone through so many tragedies in our time.
We understand when truth is spoken.

My husband, John Lennon sang:
“Love is the answer, and you know that for sure.”

Look into people’s eyes.

They are your eyes.
They are beautiful.
They are smiling.

With love,

Yoko Ono
21 August 2011

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