Monday 9 October 2023

















John Lennon’s musical contribution was enormous, over a 10-year period with The Beatles, John Lennon changed the landscape of music forever.

John Winston Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940, into a working-class family in Liverpool, England. His early life was difficult. His father took off to the seas, leaving his young mother to raise her son alone. When he was a teenager, Lennon’s mother was killed in an auto accident. Lacking parental guidance, Lennon was a troubled youth, prone to rage and anger. Eventually, he channeled his passions and creative outlets through art school, and ultimately into music.

As did many youths of his generation, Lennon turned to American artists who were playing blues and R&B-inspired rock music throughout the early 1950s. After developing a friendship with Paul McCartney, who then brought George Harrison into the fold, they formed a skiffle band that played covers of their favorite American artists including Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Carl Perkins, to name a few. The focus of the band and their music became a unifying force giving the band a purpose and raison d’etre.

The band, first known as the Quarrymen, then the Silver Beetles, then just The Beatles, helped to craft and push the possibilities of commercial rock music throughout the 1960s, and in doing so, changed the Western world.

John and The Beatles’ early career was filled with great rock songs as well as elegant love ballads. The spirit and charisma of these songs captured the world. It was The Beatles’ mid- and late-career evolution and output that really showcased their genius.

John matured as an artist, dipping into more existential themes, contemplating mortality. 

























If John’s career had ended there, he still would’ve been his generation’s greatest poet. Lennon turned inside out, from introspection to statements of exploration and reflections of society. 

John had a sharp and witty sense of humor, but was also sensitive and capable of deep love, he spoke for the generation.

There will never be another artist like John Lennon. Remember his words, play his music, and make sure that his legacy lives on. 


🟠BEATLES STORES (Associated with Amazon, Shipments Worldwide)→ HERE , HERE & HERE  

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