Wednesday 31 July 2013


Tony Sheridan, when I was visiting him in Hospital, always said that he could see a Bright Light at the end of a dark tunnel. Today, I followed a bright light which led to Tony's Resting Place. As the Memorial Stone was erected Yesterday, these are 3 of a set of photographs, which I took this Morning, 10:30 am. Saturday 27.07.2013.
These Photographs are the EXCLUSIVE COPYRIGHT of Tony's Family, and we, his Star-Club Family. Any, and all commercial use is totally forbidden. Should anyone like to negotiate a fee for any, or all of these (C) photo's, which depict, My journey through the Morning light, to Tony's resting place, please contact me. Any monies negotiated, will be donated to a Children's Hospice in Hamburg, on Tony's behalf.
The Legend Lives on. R.I.P. Tony
Kingsize Taylor

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