Monday, 20 May 2013


Stella McCartney mobbed by Japanese fan as she visits her Tokyo boutique.

Stella McCartney visits her Tokyo boutique.
When Stella stopped by her Tokyo boutique during her Asian tour this morning, her thrilled customers couldn't resist whipping out their cameras to capture the moment they met a legend.
While not quite as excitable (or numerous) as the thousands who greeted her father, Paul McCartney, and his band The Beatles in Tokyo in 1966 (The Fab Four were so besieged by hysterical fans they barely left their hotel rooms for the duration of their stay and never saw any of the sights of Japan), the presence of not just a leading British fashion designer, but also the daughter of an actual Beatle was enough for shoppers to completely lose their cool.
Stella was soon mobbed by a crowd of excited fans of her own crowding round her to get the perfect photo and asking her to sign mementos - one, a leopard print canvas Falabella handbag.

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