Monday 15 October 2012


In a small Hamburg recording studio, the Akustik, The Beatles (minus Pete Best) and two members of Rory Storm's Hurricanes (Ringo Starr and Lou "Wally" Walters) record a version of George Gershwin's "Summertime", which is cut onto a 78-rpm disc. 
This is the first session that includes John, Paul, George, and Ringo together. Two other songs are recorded, but Ringo plays on those without John, Paul, or George. Nine discs are cut, but only one is known to have survived.
Stuart Sutcliffe was present at the recording but didn't play. Also at the studio was The Beatles' manager Allan Williams, and guitarists Johnny Byrne and Ty Brian of The Hurricanes.
In addition to "Summertime", Byrne, Brian,Walters and Ringo made recordings of "Fever" and "September Song". Nine copies of Summertime were pressed onto acetate disc, though none are known to have survived.
The Beatles are said to have wanted to record some songs on their own - though whether this would have been with Sutcliffe and Starr is unknown. Furthermore, their drummer at the time, Peter Best, was not present. Either way, Williams feared they would be late for their 8pm start at the Kaiserkeller, and so put a stop to the session.

The first mention of the Akustik Studio session was printed in Mersey Beat, Vol. 3, No. 63. According to the article Allan Williams heard Lu Walters singing with the Beatles in October 1960 in Hamburg during an informal session at the Indra club. The article continues: "At the recording session, Lu recorded 'Fever' (Davenport, Cooley) with John, Paul and George but he had the drummer from his own group, Ringo Starr, playing with them. The next title he recorded was 'Summertime' (Gershwin) and he was again backed by the Beatles, who also played on the third disc 'September Song' (Anderson, Weill)."
When it comes to the question about which songs were recorded at this session the testimonies from those present differs. A brief run through of what has been said about the matter over the years is listed below:
Allan Williams: "Wally's (Lu Walters) favourite songs were 'Fever' and 'Summertime'...there were, if I remember rightly, four demo discs made by the Akustik engineers...I mislaid mine at a party, pissed again." (The Man Who Gave The Beatles Away, 1975).
Johnny 'Guitar' Byrne: "It was Allan Williams who wanted our group to record three songs with our brilliant vocalist Lu Walters: 'Fever', 'Summertime' and 'September Song.'...But Allan didn't think that our band was good enough and got the Beatles to help us...I sat there watching when in the end six or seven copies were made of 'Summertime'. (Beatles Unlimited, No. 84, 1989)
"...we went to this studio which was behind the station in Hamburg and they did 'Summertime', 'Fever' and 'September Song.'...Afterwards Allan said 'Who wants to buy the record?'...the sum total sold was six copies..." (The Beatles - From Cavern To Star Club, 1997).
Ringo Starr: "I recorded with Rory over in Hamburg. Somewhere out there is an amazing acetate which I'd like a copy of. We did 'Fever' and another track.' (Anthology, 2000).
George Harrison: "We also recorded with Lu Walters...He was a guy who thought he was a singer. He paid to have a record made of himself..." (Anthology, 2000).
Paul McCartney: "We helped out on a recording of 'Fever', with Lu of Rory Storm & the Hurricanes. That was done in a little demo studio in Hamburg..." (Club Sandwich, No. 72, 1994).

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