Wednesday 31 October 2012


An Ivor Novello Award won by The Beatles for Yellow Submarine has been discovered after being used as a doorstop for 30 years. 
The iconic bronze statue was found abandoned in an empty desk in a London office block due for demolition in the early 1980s. The woman who discovered it took it home and used it to prop open a door.
The elderly finder, who does not wish to be named, is now selling it and experts expect it to fetch at least £5,000. The statue, presented to The Beatles' former publishers Northern Songs, will be sold in Bristol next Tuesday.

A Novello given to John Lennon for She's Leaving Home fetched £7,767 at auction in 2004. Auctioneer Peter Rixon said: "Novellos are music's most coveted awards. To find one for an iconic song like this is incredible."

Yellow Submarine won the Ivor Novello Award after selling 1.2million copies in 1966.

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